The movie has a Run time of 2hrs : 50min and consists of 11 fights with over dose of Violence .The only positive is Prabhas , his style and Fights . Tamanna is a visual treat to masses but her screen presence was very less . Deeksha seth had a small role who appears in the flashback . Krishnam raju appears in a special appearance and he is one of the highlight of the film . Music and songs are big letdown . Comedy is pretty ordinary .
- Prabhas Rebel Brahmi has given his extraordinary performance but outdated for 20 Mins Nonstop Comedy Scenes in 1st Half..
- In Rebel climax fight Car will fly in air .Actually director planned with villains but changed their plan
- Rebel prabhas parents n Dikshaseth killed by villains then Rebel trend starts in 2nd half .