Manchu Manoj and Nandamuri Balakrishna's Uu Kodathara Ulikki Padathara was released on last Friday and failed to impress audience. While the people who watched the movie and the people who reviewed the movie have different opinions about why the movie failed. Here is a shocking reason which took place behind the screen.
Our readers might be aware that the movie was screened to distributors few days before the movie release and it received very good talk from there. Shockingly, The movie which was screened to distributors and the movie which was released is different. The movie was trimmed about 12-15 minutes and all the scenes are of Balayya. The scenes were removed by Mohan Babu to highlight his son, Manoj's role. We have spoke to few of our sources in the movie unit and the distributors who watched the movie. Here are the edited scenes
1. Balayya's entrance in the movie. People who have watched the scene would have felt that it had an abrupt ending. Actually, the scene was shot for 4 days in that location. It was trimmed to a bare few seconds shot in the movie.
2. Few dialogues of Balayya to Sonu Sood before leaving the Gandharva Mahal. Those dialogues are said to be very emotional and would have added weight to the interval bang.
3. Manchu Manoj had composed an excellent fight between Balayya and Sonu Sood in which they get killed. The fight was trimmed to almost nothing in the movie.
4. Manchu Manoj's dialogue about Balayya when asked by Sai Kumar seeing Narasimha Raidu's huge portrait in the Mahal.
5. Writer Lakshmi Bhupal had written some very powerful dialogues for Balayya during the climax fight between Balayya and Sonu Sood. These dialogues come after Sonu Sood enter Lakshmi Manchu body and challenge Balayya. Those were trimmed too.
We do not say the trimmed scenes would have influenced the movie result. But this is an insult to the entire concept of Multistarer movies. And would peg back top heroes from acting in Multistarer movies.
Courtesy : Andhra Reporter